A newsletter about the practice of therapy, education, modern spirituality and healing.

January 2022.

Hi, I am Mahé Léa.

For more than ten years I have studied spirituality and energy medicine. I became a certified holistic therapist and a healer. I also happen to be the product director in an AI company called Epifini whose purpose is to ask the right questions and remove bias to uncover the truth in organisations - or in anything you could apply it to. Both career paths started while I was living in Australia; a country where leaders have no appetite for innovation or culture, and where higher education is one of the poorest I have ever encountered. A context where there are no questions asked, no debate to be had, no critical thinking to be fostered, no accountability to be held to. Instead we were being told we should all be grateful and happy.

Except that the world has changed a lot since the end of 2019. Many people aren’t that well, aren’t in a good place, don’t know where to look for answers, don’t know where to go and who to turn to, who to trust or what to trust. Many are scared, in grief, isolated, lonely, coerced, dismissed, silenced, or even cancelled.

In periods of hardship, we used to turn towards community, friends, family for support, for comfort, for advice. For many, that too has been atomised and fragmented. Certainty, or the perception of it, is a thing of the past. The impact on each individual, on society at large and on our planet is real but rarely acknowledged.

In the midst of this, we need support. I believe we also need to be more personally responsible for our decisions, our behaviour, our beliefs, our positioning, our species, our planet. We need to ask the right questions, to contemplate and reflect on the difficult ones without looking away. That’s essentially why I am writing.

Why these topics?

Why therapy - support is needed and therapy is one way to obtain it. However, complementary therapy is a convoluted industry, largely unregulated and spanning many types, modalities and practitioners ranging from excellent to down-right dangerous.

Why healing - healing is personal and collective, it’s magical and beautiful. It can happen in an instant or over a longer period of time. It isn’t linear. It requires us to open our hearts and be in our souls. It requires transformation and evolution.

Why education - to counter balance the downloaders and regurgitators of this world who self broadcast their stream of consciousness in the echo chambers of social media. To make space for real teachers and educators who value debate, dialogue, their students and where all parties learn from each other.

Why modern spirituality - we are more than our mind and body. If we could all experience what it is like to be connected to our soul and to operate from this place, the world would change in an instant. There is so much there for us to receive, if we’re open to it. This isn’t modern in itself but our approach to it can be such that it fits on our daily lives.

How are these topics interconnected?

Therapeutic support, healing, education and spirituality form the cornerstone of my practice. Take one away and it simply doesn’t work. These concepts are foundational but they have been bastardised, individually and collectively, in our society. As this newsletter progresses, I hope we can bring back some respect, integrity and reverence to these and offers some solutions for a world in need.

Why Substack?

It’s a clean platform, it’s independent and has no hidden agenda.

Writing is my medium, it always has been. In French and English. Here mostly in English.

I publish on Substack and aim for ever-green type of content, which means that even if you go back in time, it will hopefully still be relevant.

Why pay for a subscription?

Because human beings value what they pay for.
Because I value my time, energy and knowledge being paid for.
Both are true.

Here are some options for you to choose from.

Free subscription - You’ll be notified when a new article is posted.

Paid subscription - 5€ a month gives you access to some exclusive benefits:

  1. Access to the “paywalled” section of articles.

  2. I give a percentage of my subscriber revenue to Green Sakthi which is a non-profit environmental program that grows and plants trees, manages 2 tonnes of waste each day with its Zero-Waste Management Program and educates local school kids in all things about Mother Earth. With each dollar donated, one tree is planted. 🌏🌳

Thank you for being here and taking the time to read.
You can contact me at mahelea@substack.com.
- Mahé Léa

Subscribe to Mahé Léa's Newsletter

Social commentary on the practice of therapy, education, modern spirituality and healing


Holistic Therapist | Energy Medicine Practitioner | Writer in 🇬🇧 🇫🇷